Psychiatric Mental Health, Addiction & Suboxone Services We Offer Telemedicine Services Only
Marcellus Wellness & Addiction Services specializes in Psychiatric Mental Health, Suboxone, Alcohol Addiction, and Pain Management treatment. We provide confidential virtual treatment plans and consultations for you or a loved one seeking help. At Marcellus Wellness & Addiction, our board-certified psychiatric mental health and adult nurse practitioner, Jean-Jeffrey Marcellus offers telehealth visits. We serve clients from Bronx NY, Brooklyn NY, Manhattan NY, Queens NY, Rockville Centre NY, Staten Island NY, and surrounding areas.
Call now or request a consultation today.
Jean-Jeffery Marcellus is a Clinical Nurse Practitioner licensed to practice Telemedicine in the following states: New York, New Jersey, Florida, California, Texas, Connecticut and Washington
If you’re experiencing emotional distress, the resources below provide free and confidential support 24/7. If this is an emergency, call 911.
Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Call 1-800-273-8255
Crisis Text Line
Text HOME to 741741
Marcellus Wellness & Addiction Services specializes in Psychiatric Mental Health, Suboxone, Alcohol Addiction, and Pain Management treatment. We provide confidential virtual treatment plans and consultations for you or a loved one seeking help. At Marcellus Wellness & Addiction, our board-certified psychiatric mental health and adult nurse practitioner, Jean-Jeffrey Marcellus offers telehealth visits. We serve clients from Bronx NY, Brooklyn NY, Manhattan NY, Queens NY, Rockville Centre NY, Staten Island NY, and surrounding areas.
Call now or request a consultation today.
Jean-Jeffery Marcellus is a Clinical Nurse Practitioner licensed to practice Telemedicine in the following states: New York, New Jersey, Florida, California, Texas, Connecticut and Washington
If you’re experiencing emotional distress, the resources below provide free and confidential support 24/7. If this is an emergency, call 911.
Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Call 1-800-273-8255
Crisis Text Line
Text HOME to 741741
Meet Jean-Jeffrey Marcellus, PMHNP-BC, AGNP-BC, NRCME
Clinical Nurse Practitioner
Specializing in Suboxone, Alcohol Treatment, and Pain Management
Marcellus has extensive experience in treating individuals who need assistance in the recovery journey from: Alcohol, Benzodiazepine, Opiates, Heroin, Kratom, and other Pain Medication.
Depending on the treatment needed, he will customize a personalized plan to help during your sobriety journey.
Meet Jean-Jeffrey Marcellus, PMHNP-BC, AGNP-BC, NRCME
Clinical Nurse Practitioner
Specializing in Suboxone, Alcohol Treatment, and Pain Management
Marcellus has extensive experience in treating individuals who need assistance in the recovery journey from: Alcohol, Benzodiazepine, Opiates, Heroin, Kratom, and other Pain Medication.
Depending on the treatment needed, he will customize a personalized plan to help during your sobriety journey.
What is Addiction?
Addiction is something that is very prevalent in today’s world. Addiction happens when a person cannot function without a certain substance they can use every day. Addiction is classified as a type of brain disorder, that is a compulsive behavior that comes with serious adverse reactions that are prompted by rewarding stimuli. The four most common types of addiction in the United States are nicotine, alcohol, marijuana, and painkiller addictions.
There are many causes of addiction, and some examples can include a family history of drug or alcohol dependence. Children who grow up in homes with parents who may suffer from addiction may model that same behavior as they begin to get older. As well, babies who are in the womb whose mothers have abused drugs during the pregnancy are likely to be born with drug addiction. If a mother abuses drugs or alcohol during pregnancy, those children are likely to be born with serious birth defects, have multiple comorbidities, or mothers are at a high risk of having a stillborn birth.
Another cause for addiction is if a person suffers from a mental health disorder. Mental health disorders can cause a person a lot of struggles and pain. Different kinds of medications are also used to help treat a person who may suffer from anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and many other types of mental health disparities.
A person is very likely to develop an addiction to anti-anxiety or anti-depression medication and suffer the consequences of having an addiction to these medications. Once a child enters high school, they face the challenges of making new friends and joining new friend groups. Some children interact with the wrong crowd and can be exposed to drinking alcohol at a young age, and be exposed to different types of drugs. Peer pressure is one of the leading causes as to why a person started using a drug.
What treatments do you offer for addiction?
There are many kinds of treatments available for addiction. These can include environmental treatments, lifestyle treatments, pharmacological treatments, and rehabilitation treatments. Environmental treatments involve the social changes that a person can make that involve the people they interact with. Learning to surround themselves with a supportive group of people who truly care and want them to get better. One way to help overcome an addiction is to involve yourself with people who are also sober, and also understand what you are trying to accomplish by stopping your addiction.
People with addictions can also incorporate a healthy well-rounded diet, that provides the body with all the necessary nutrients it needs to function, and when suffering from addiction, the body can be lacking in adequate nutrition values. One last treatment option for someone struggling with an addiction is seeking professional help. Rehabilitation centers for addictions are very common and are known to be very helpful, with a high success rate. Rehabilitation is a type of process used to help restore a person’s level of function, independence, and quality of life to its highest degree.
What treatments do you offer for addiction?
There are many kinds of treatments available for addiction. These can include environmental treatments, lifestyle treatments, pharmacological treatments, and rehabilitation treatments. Environmental treatments involve the social changes that a person can make that involve the people they interact with. Learning to surround themselves with a supportive group of people who truly care and want them to get better. One way to help overcome an addiction is to involve yourself with people who are also sober, and also understand what you are trying to accomplish by stopping your addiction.
People with addictions can also incorporate a healthy well-rounded diet, that provides the body with all the necessary nutrients it needs to function, and when suffering from addiction, the body can be lacking in adequate nutrition values. One last treatment option for someone struggling with an addiction is seeking professional help. Rehabilitation centers for addictions are very common and are known to be very helpful with a high success rate. Rehabilitation is a type of process used to help restore a person’s level of function, independence, and quality of life to its highest degree.
How does Suboxone work for addiction?
Suboxone is a medication that is used for treating individuals who suffer from drug addiction. Suboxone contains buprenorphine and naloxone, which are actively used to treat opioid addictions. Buprenorphine helps to reduce the urge to use the opioid. Suboxone is used to block the opioid effect on the brain. Opioids are used to block the pain receptors in the brain that ultimately alter the perceptions of pain. The therapeutic effects of using Suboxone usually start to appear 20-45 minutes after initially taking the medication.
People need to already be in withdrawal before taking their first dose of Suboxone, as this medication helps the withdrawal symptoms subside. If you are someone who is struggling with an addiction, check out our team at Marcellus Wellness and Addiction to learn more about the different services we offer to help those in need of recovery from addiction. We are here for your needs and would love to help you get on the road to recovery.
How We Can Help
We provide a specialized treatment program created for individuals who genuinely want to begin their journey towards recovering from drugs and alcohol, and other types of substance addiction.
Our services include initial and follow up online visits as well as a maintenance program for those who need long term treatment for cravings and recurrent relapses.
How We Can Help
We provide a specialized treatment program created for individuals who genuinely want to begin their journey towards recovering from drugs and alcohol, and other types of substance addiction.
Our services include initial and follow up online visits as well as a maintenance program for those who need long term treatment for cravings and recurrent relapses.
Jeffrey is available and now accepting new patients today. Let’s get you on the road to your sobriety journey and initiate your first consultation with Jeffrey today.
Jeffrey is available and now accepting new patients today. Let’s get you on the road to your sobriety journey and initiate your first consultation with Jeffrey today.
Get the help you need so you can be
on your way to recovery.
Get the help you need so you can be
on your way to recovery.